Product Feature - Pluto – Nestled Pines

Product Feature - Pluto

pluto dwarf planet wood ornament

Welcome to Nestled Pines Woodworking's very first Product Feature! In this series, I'm going to tell you all about one of our favorite designs, one blog post at a time - we'll be starting with one of my personal favorites, our Pluto Dwarf Planet ornament.

Amie's love for science played heavily into the Pluto design - when new images of Pluto were released by NASA in 2015, we noticed a heart-shaped crater that seemed only fitting for a commemorative ornament. Every quote on our ornaments is selected with care by Amie. In this case, she chose an inspirational Quintus Ennius quote -  the father of Roman poetry. Pluto was a Roman God, so we find it only fitting to use a quote from a Roman Poet!

Nestled Pines Woodworking's custom Pluto design took around 18-20 hours of solid design time in Adobe Illustrator, and around 10,000 mouse clicks to create all the beautiful curves, craters, and mountains. The ornament is made out of eco-friendly, unstained American Maple to create a distinct contrast between the dwarf planet's hills and valleys - just like the images from NASA that inspired this wood ornament.

To purchase this design for your gift shop (maybe even with your own handpicked quote!), contact For related ornaments, take a look through our Science Collection.